Meng's Biography
In January 2023, I received the Distinguished Young Scholars of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Overseas).
In March 2022, I joined College of Engineering (CoE) at PKU as an Assistant Professor.
In May 2018, I joined Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI) at Renningen as a research scientist, specialized in Reinforcement Learning and AI-based Planning.
In March 2017, I came back to KTH as a Postdoc associate, working with Prof. Dimos V. Dimarogonas.
In March 2016, I joined Duke University, as a Postdoc associate, working with Prof. Michael M. Zavlanos.
During 2017-2018, I received EuRobotics George Giralt PhD Award 2017 - Finalist and European Embedded Control Institute (EECI) PhD Award 2017 - Finalist in recognition of my PhD Thesis work.
In January 2016, I received my Doctoral degree from KTH.
During April-July, 2015, I worked at GRITS Lab of Georgia Tech, Atlanta, as a visiting scholar. Supervised by Prof. Magnus Egerstedt.
In August 2011, I joined the Automatic Control Lab at the School of Electrical Engineering in KTH as a graduate student. My supervisors are Prof. Karl Henrik Johansson and Prof. Dimos V. Dimarogonas. My research mainly relates to distributed control of multi-agent networks.
In June 2011, I received the M.Sc. degree within the programme System, Control and Robotics from KTH.
In August 2006, I became a Bachelor student in Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU), three years after which I was selected as an exchange student to KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
I was born in December 1988 at Hubei, China.
Past News
Dec. 10-15: Presented a paper at CDC2017, Melbourne, Australia.
Oct. 16-20: Visited PAL robotics, Barcelona, Spain.
July 9-14: Attend IFAC 2017 World Congress in Toulouse, France.
June 15: Received European Embedded Control Institute (EECI) PhD Award 2017 - Finalist in recognition of “the best PhD thesis in Europe in the field of Control for Complex and Heterogeneous Systems”.
June 1: Received Best Paper Award on Multi-Robots Systems - Finalist in ICRA 2017 in Singapore.
Mar. 15: New Master Thesis project for Co4Robots available now!
Mar. 1: Start as a Postdoc associate at Automatic Control Lab, working with Prof. Dimos V. Dimarogonas.
Feb. 16-17: Kick-off for EU project Co4Robots held at KTH.
Jan. 10: Released an interface to translate FTS, MDP, DRA, Product DRA in NetworkX graph objects to model-checking tool PRISM language, see PRISM_interface.
Dec. 10 - Dec. 15: Attend CDC 2016. Las Vegas, USA.
Oct. 3: Released a Python implementation of reciprocal velocity obstacle (RVO) for Multi-agent systems RVO_Py_MAS.
Sep. 7: Released a Python-based interface between multiple iRobots and OptiTrack Py_iRobot_OptiTrack.
July 20: Software P_MDP_TG released, for planning of Markov Decision Processes under temporal goals and risk constraints!
May 16-20: Presented a paper at ICRA16, Stockholm, Sweden.
Mar. 15: Please visit my new personal page at Duke.
Mar. 1: I joined Duke University, as a Postdoc associate, working with Prof. Michael M. Zavlanos.
Feb. 15 - Feb. 21: visited the Control System Lab at NTUA, Athens, Greece.
Jan. 22: I successfully defend my PhD thesis. Opponent: Calin Belta from Boston University.
Dec. 10 - Dec. 13: Presented a paper at CDC 2013. Florence, Italy.
Nov. 2 - Nov. 9: Presented a paper at IROS 2013. Tokyo, Japan. Visited Prof. Ishikawa Lab and shook probably the fastest hands :)
May 6 - May 10: Presented a paper at ICRA 2013. Karlsruhe, Germany. Really cool experience!
April 16 - April 19: LCCC Workshop, Formal Verification of Embedded Control Systems. Lund University, Sweden.
April 4 - April 5: RECONFIG's kick-off meeting at KTH CVAP.
March 1: a new EU Project RECONFIG (Cognitive, Decentralized Coordination of Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems via Reconfigurable Task Planning) got started, coordinated by Prof. Dimos V.Dimarogonas.
Dec. 10- Dec. 17: Presented a paper at the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference(CDC-ECC 2011), Orlando, FL, USA.
Aug. 1: Started as a PhD student at Automatic Control Lab.